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December 15-21, 2024

This week starts with a highly energized Full Moon in Gemini, stimulating our minds with myriad possibilities and pursuits to engage in over the coming weeks. As Mercury stations direct on the same day, these thoughts and ideas are churning like restless horses in the turnstiles waiting for their release. This conceivable hyperactivity is quickly quelled by Moon’s ingress into Cancer, tempering our stimulation and asking us to retreat into quiet contemplation and emotional processing. As the week carries on, we are once again ignited to make a show of our uniqueness and talents, albeit with a caution against excessive pride. This then brings us to a greater recognition of how to refine and humble ourselves to face the music that is playing all around us as we head into Capricorn season.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

*Full Moon at 23° Gemini at 4:01am EST*

Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

*Mercury stations direct at 6° Sagittarius*


Today’s early morning Full Moon in Gemini can bring an especially charged and scattered mental excitability, though it is coupled with a confounding square to Neptune a few hours later. This all combines with Mercury stationing direct later in the afternoon. We should expect our thoughts to bounce across the universe like a pinball, at once excited about this, about that, and everything in between. Moon will be incredibly high in the sky in the northern hemisphere (and incredibly low in the southern hemisphere), which stretches the boundaries of its influence.


This specific Full Moon can sincerely exhaust our mental reserves, so we would do well to consider pacing ourselves with whatever it is we plan to do. We will likely want to socialize and talk up a storm, but so will everyone else, so we should lower our expectations of how things will unfold and allow the wild and crazy pinball to take its rebel course. Moon’s square to Neptune can create more questions than answers, leaving us confused and not nearly as synchronized as we might expect to be. It is also quite possible for unbelievable news stories to break, leaving us shaking our heads and questioning the state of the world.


As Mercury comes to a standstill and begins to creep forward again we can expect to feel more prepared to tackle the projects that have been under review for the past few weeks, but this should be a gradual process. The foresight required to make progress is not quite ripe for the picking just yet. Over the coming days those items can begin to be addressed and accomplished. What exactly are we excited to do with our lives that we have been waiting to initiate? We can harness the magnitude of today’s influences by beginning to plan these exciting adventures and endeavors. The feasibility of their manifestation is beginning to coalesce.


Monday, December 16, 2024

Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries


With all excitable transits and experiences there comes a calm and lull to retreat and emotionally process. Furthermore, we usually need to consider the limitations and boundaries associated with those ambitions and goals, and today we face those realities that are inevitably paired with them. How do we feel about our goals? Have they morphed into different goals over time? If so, how have we pivoted our strategies to accommodate those changes? Our intuition can be very strong today, so we would do well to listen carefully to our inner voice for its divine guidance.


Even though we may be feeling deeply into our anticipated course of action, there may be some level of resistance to how that course will honor our healing needs. Perhaps there are sacrifices we need to make that conjure uneasy feelings, such as anxiety and doubt. How can we honor the emotional needs of our inner child while still courageously pursuing our hopes and dreams? Reconciling these seemingly incongruent matters requires solitude, focus, and keen critical thinking. Would that we could all boldly follow our bliss without the burden of our self-conscious fears and doubts, but those fears and doubts are exactly what we are tasked with accepting and overcoming. Those hurdles are all that stand in the way of us reaching the glorious summits of our dreams.


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius


The moody tides of our emotions are very subtly affecting us today. Excitement stirs our cauldron of nirvanic lucidity, leaving us hopeful that our path will bring us someplace sacred we have never been before. We might feel conflicted between what has always comforted us and provided a sense of security, and the unknowns that lurk in the misty mountains we seek to climb. Grappling with such dilemmas sometimes requires a simple act of faith, trusting that somehow and somewhere what is best for ourselves and the world we live in will unfold exactly the way it all should.


Such faith is not only difficult to embody, it can be even harder to hang on to. This is when we need to feel our way like the day before. The ebb and flow of facing such things finds us swaying back and forth between our feelings and our thoughts; our visionary and pragmatic selves. As we eventually come out of the murky waters of our emotions today, we can find ourselves face-to-face with a wall of mutations we have yet to undergo. This can be very humbling, but perhaps it is humility we need in order to come down off our throne and see our path forward with more clarity and selflessness.


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Moon conjunct Mars in Leo

Moon in Leo trine Mercury in Sagittarius

Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Leo opposite Venus in Aquarius

Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini


The fiery, feisty flamboyancy of today’s Leo Moon ignites a special kind of vim within. We are sure to all feel this in some form or another. Worst case scenario is we get humbled and dethroned, which may have begun yesterday. Best case scenario is we rise up like a lion and deservedly own our pride and prestige. Regardless of how this vim emerges, our day is sure to be crackling with it from start to finish. We can get carried away, however, and disregard the equally, or more deserving, prestige of others. We might even feel compelled to boast or flaunt ourselves in a much too dishonorable way, or we might recognize such behavior in others.


Taking things too far is quite likely and cautioned against at all costs. If we know we are deserving of praise, we must humbly allow it to come organically and not force it in any way. Otherwise we are coaxing a hoax. The Sun-Neptune square can further distort our perception of reality, conceivably overcasting any situation with dark clouds of deceit or delusion. The lessons buried within these transits are of aligning our hearts and minds with truth and love. Not blowing up our egoic balloons requires humble honesty and a clear perception of the circumstances surrounding us. An eagle’s-eye view, if you will.


Such potential grandiosity will likely be called out by someone close to us if we take it too far. This can embattle and embroil any relationship, thus striking a blow to what could instead be an exciting adventure we take with them. Are we able to stay on the level and embrace the excitement inherent in today’s fiery transits? If we can, we are in for a day of getting to know each other better, learning how to embrace our differences, and elevating relationships into perspectives previously unimaginable. How can we make the most of such an opportunity without recoiling into the patterns and shackles of our past? We humbly accept that our perspectives and opinions are not always accurate just because they are ours.


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Venus in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini


It can feel like the gates are open for us to go full boar into the process of mastering our greatest gifts. We can feel energized, excited, and confident that our path and our goals are on point and that we are making strides in the right direction. This may eventually fizzle into some phase of uncertainty, however, so we should be prepared to contend with our values and the resources we cherish to support those values. After all, there is usually some form of adjustment that needs to take place somewhere in our lives, not to make it perfect, but more nearly right than wrong.


We could be overlooking something within the framework of our lives. What we thought we had figured out may require a much-needed upgrade or reconfiguration. Taking the time to step back and assess whether or not we really do have our shit together is called for. How are we misaligned with our values? Are we dishonoring ourselves with our foolish pride, knowing deep within we are not walking our talk as much as we could be? Almost all of us do this to some extent, but what might we be hiding from others that should either be discontinued or revealed? Aligning our actions with our core values will unfurl the sails and breathe fair winds into them. Those winds can carry us all the way home if we stay true to the heading of truth and love.


Friday, December 20, 2024

Moon in Virgo square Mercury in Sagittarius


Such boisterous rumblings of the last few days undoubtedly requires some personal refinement. The overstepping whims we followed are leading us back to square one, as it were. Today’s sole aspect can show us where and how we might have gone too far, said too much, or believed things that were not altogether true, especially about ourselves. How we manage the life we live may be rigid and structured or loose and unmoored. Gaining a clearer perspective of how to make things run more smoothly and flawlessly requires we notice the lines we drove or drew outside of. Do we see the struggles we create for ourselves and others when we do such things? Perhaps it is a good day to put our nose to the grindstone and focus on more selfless acts of service and support. Helping others out of the kindness of our hearts heals everyone involved.


Saturday, December 21, 2024

*Sun ingresses Capricorn*

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini


The powers that be are upon us today. Righting wrongs, upending ill-conceived notions, and facing the music are not always fun or joyful experiences, but they cleanse our hearts and minds and make way for more genuine righteousness. We are not always right, we are not always wrong, and we are not always sure of which we are, but we truth and karma has a way of prodding us on where we need to go, and today can feel like this.


Not only are we moving into Capricorn season, we are doing so on a day when Moon opposes its ruler Saturn. It may feel like we are being tested, or even taunted, to make good on certain matters we have proved time and again to disregard, or to admit to boundaries we have crossed one too many times. It may feel like some sort of ruthless reckoning. But truth can also reveal itself to us more gracefully, allowing us to notice it, honor it, respect it, and learn to follow it more diligently. This can reinforce a stamina and determination to actively pursue our goals and achieve a level of greatness we have not known or deserved before.


When we are faced with hard aspects involving the likes of earth signs, it can feel like a cold reality blizzard blowing in from the north. If we shore up the foundations of our home, we can weather the storm gracefully and without unforeseen problems. If we have not paid close enough attention to either the weather or the overall structure of our home, there will be problems and a price to pay. Life has a way of throwing us what we need when we need it, so hopefully we are all shored up and ready for any impending storm that might sweep in across the valley. This way we can walk out and breathe in the glorious fresh air and sunshine after it blows over.


A roller coaster ride through our minds and feelings awaits us this week. From overstimulation to quiet reflection to excitable pomp and into another dose of keen awareness of our thoughts, actions, and intentions. These excessive swells can sway our mental state across the spectrum of the highs and lows inherent in such conditions. The more we can rise above these fluctuations in energy and temperament, the more we can hold fast to an observational position and witness in the moment the lessons speaking to us through the fog and mist. Getting carried away in any one direction can prove painful and threaten our clarity and intuition. Hopefully we can all stay on the sacred level of awareness and kindness.

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Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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