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December 22-28, 2024

This is not to say this week will be unbearable by any means, but there are some rather challenging transits approaching that might cause a few glitches in the matrix of our holidays. But first we are stepping into the light of recognizing the agitations that seem to repeatedly be stirred up in at least one of our relationships. The sooner we can accept the fact that this week will more than likely shine a lot of light on how we relate to others, the sooner we can prepare to contend with any incongruities and shortcomings we bring to those relationships. The stories may start to come out of the woodwork by Christmas Day, possibly retriggering memories that have long been laid to rest. Finding time to step outside, go for a walk, and breathe deeply into the more sacred elements of this season can prove invaluable. Hopefully whatever ensues brings us much to contemplate and consider as lessons and fodder for personal growth and familial growth.


Sunday, December 22, 2024

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Libra sextile Mars in Leo


Themes of control and escape can shape a good part of our day, possibly leaving us confused about which is the better choice at any given moment. We may get frustrated with someone, perhaps a partner or nemesis, and the idea of escaping the shackles of the conflict may arise. But if we stay acutely aware of whatever drama may unfold, we might be able to rectify the situation with thoughtful dialogue, doing whatever we possibly can to dial back our emotions and remain determined to see it through to resolution.


This is, of course, not guaranteed to happen, but keeping a cool head throughout the day can certainly help us to avoid dilemmas that might pop up. Our past patterns and habitual tendencies might be scrutinized too, so we should be prepared to answer to those kinds of digs with grace and dignity. How might we be better off surrendering to the possibility that we are not following through with certain improvements in our life? The push-pull of our intimate relationships may be starkly visible, which can irritate both of us and cause us to spiral out of control. Taking as little for granted as possible by counting all the ways we are blessed with abundance should help ease any ill-conceived notions that we or others are deserving of blame and guilt.


It may not be an extremely productive day, but some changes are actually capable of taking place, especially in the arena of our egos and shortcomings. Any pertinent conversations pertaining to our behaviors and habits should involve careful listening and honest exchange if we are going to get something valuable out of it. Blatantly blaming ourselves or others without thoughtful articulation and honesty only stirs the age-old pot of contempt and passive-aggressive patterns. Rising above is called for as best we can.


Monday, December 23, 2024

Moon in Libra sextile Mercury in Sagittarius

Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini

Venus in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries


Things may feel a bit easier to contend with today compared to yesterday. This will be even more likely if we are willing to open our ears and minds more than our own mouths. There is bound to be a good deal of conversation and communication, and hopefully it ventures into enlightening and consciousness-expanding topics that inspire us and ignite new interest in whatever it may be. We may be reuniting with friends or family for the holidays, which can often spark dialogue about issues we do not expect to talk about. How can we engage best in these situations? By listening carefully with as little judgement as possible. Maintaining an open mind and accepting others for who they choose to be and what they choose to believe should not be our concern. We tend to be concerned enough about what we believe and who we choose to be. Hopefully all those involved in any reunion can follow suit in this way.


Are we together with family again? Are we socializing with old friends again? Are we doing so with our partner? How might these reunions be teaching us something about our relationships? About our values? About our resources and sustainability? Old wounds can be reopened today, peeling back scars that have developed through our healing efforts over time. But maybe we are feeling a certain isolation and identity crisis because we do not quite resonate with our old friends or family the way we used to. This does not have to be interpreted as a problem, however. Nor should it instill any sort of self-importance or pompousness. We are just noticing how we have grown and evolved differently than them. That our path took us places they did not go. These are lessons to cherish and be grateful for.


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Moon in Libra trine Venus in Aquarius

*Saturn in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini*


As if those differences we may have noticed in our friends and family yesterday were not enough to hit home entirely, we have another chance today to witness and work with them. Though we have been facing these kinds of subtle distances standing between us and our loved ones over however many years, sometimes certain circumstances expose those distances and differences more obviously. We are sure to be spending more time than we probably should comparing and contrasting ourselves with others, especially if we are back with family and old friends. Ideally, we would do well to invite these differences and freely welcome them. So much can be learned about life when two old friends gather together after a long break.


Furthermore, our values and interests can evolve and change rapidly when catching up with others. While we are certain that we have learned so much and been inspired by so many new things, we should only expect the same to be true of others. So, maybe humbling ourselves to this likely reality can help us appreciate how sacred not just our relationships are in our lives, but also how different those we love are from us. Love is far from dependent upon similarities. As a matter of fact, it is our differences that encourage acceptance, humility, and growth. How are we embracing such things lately?


There are innumerable ways we can find ourselves reconciling our limitations and our opportunities for expansion. Lately, and for a few weeks to come, this theme is quite prevalent in our lives. It is difficult to express how important both of these virtues are in our lives, but we should make time to contemplate both as much as possible over the course of the next few weeks. How do we feel held back? How have we taken things too far? What opportunities have we missed due to inaction or being ill-prepared or distracted? What risks have we taken and wished we did not? The extremes of both expansion and limitation can be felt in many areas of our lives.


On one hand we might be learning a lot about something new that is incredibly intriguing to us, while on the other hand we can find it very unnerving how limiting or bound we are to societal norms, pressures, and ideologies. Suffice it to say that extreme ideologies, unwavering opinions, religious zealotry, and misinformation are bombarding us from all directions. These extremes are being put to the test at this time, both personally and collectively. If we can hold a candle to educated critical thinking while we consider the matters that matter to us most, we will be able to ride out this challenging test with integrity and sure footing. Let’s look to what stands these tests of time more than anything else: love and compassion and forgiveness.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Scorpio square Mars in Leo


Christmas Day is a sacred day to many, and a relaxing and joyful day to many more, so we would be wise to remember these attributes today, despite the rather arduous aspects occurring. The pot is deep and opaque, difficult to see into, and emitting a scent that can aggravate and irritate us. Family dynamics can flare up and trigger long-held memories of rivalry and familial imbalances. Should we encounter moments that find us losing our sense of serenity and peace, it would be best to remove ourselves temporarily from the situation and deeply breathe in the fresh air outside. These aspects are fleeting, and we are not bound to whatever they conjure up, however insinuating they may seem.


Working through a day where Moon is in Scorpio squaring first Pluto and then Mars, Scorpio’s co-rulers, is likely no light-hearted fun festival. Conversations can quickly evolve, or devolve, into blaming, shaming, and complaining about anything under the Sun. I hesitate to paint such a dire forecast for such an otherwise relaxing and joyful day, and I certainly hope we all have a delightful experience and I am proven incorrect on all accounts, but these aspects are not easy to forecast very positively. At best, we can hope that important resolutions and revelations are brought to light in as congenial a manner as possible. What may unfold could be challenging and intense, but we can hope the results teach us all much about what we may not have known before. May we all have as merry and bright a day and night as our hearts will allow.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces

Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Scorpio square Venus in Aquarius


The effects that yesterday may have upon today can be unsettling, but there is a chance we will be able to make much more sense of whatever was revealed. Our opinions and beliefs are important to us, but so are everyone else’s important to them. This can be a test to accept others more than we have needed to ever before. Scathing commentary should be avoided at all costs. Harnessing the very cerebral and intellectual opposition between Mercury and Jupiter can help us build quality and engaging conversations that stimulate and inspire others. We might finally feel like we are bonding and reuniting in much healthier ways than we may have expected, or I have forecasted.


Sometimes we are shocked by what kinds of things end up being spoken or implied at any given moment in life. Knowing that we all have found ourselves in such situations, or even been a culprit or victim of it, we hopefully have therefore learned how to diffuse and quell those situations with diplomacy and tact. And while time-outs are always a healthy, albeit temporary, option in the moment, a longer-term resolution is always more helpful. Finding a light in the dark tunnels of conflict is a mark of emotional maturity and wisdom. Perhaps our goal for today is to kindle the torch of love so all can feel its warmth and forgiveness as much as possible.


Friday, December 27, 2024

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Sagittarius trine Mars in Leo


Oh, what a medley of celestial geometry we have today! As we emerge from the deeper reaches of pressure that built up over the last few days, we are greeted with a transition from that pressure into a more overt space of examining our moral principles and making necessary adjustments to refine them to fit our current milieu. Perhaps some exchanges over the holidays are affecting our personal views and perspectives, causing us to rethink and recalibrate our focus and intentions.


We may still get snagged on something we are not anticipating, and that might stem from taking something too far and crossing someone else’s boundaries. If we pay closer attention to our spoken words and actions, we are bound to be less prone to crossing any boundaries or going to any extremes. Less can be more, and opting to ride the wild raft of life over the swells of the boundless seas can help us practice patience and cultivate the discipline necessary to become more calculated in our strategies. More than likely, however, we may find we just want to lay around like third base and recover from the conceivable mayhem we just endured. If we have to work today, hopefully we can find time to do this in the evening.


And speaking of the evening, we fade into the night with a rather excitable visionary shift into the road ahead. Despite Mars now retreating by secondary motion, there are still ample stores of energy being doled out from time to time. Tonight we might feel as though we can fuse our visions more securely to a pragmatic plan, thus exciting us to get back to the drawing table for necessary fine tuning. How much have we learned through this gauntlet of a holiday season? Surely the dynamic unfoldment brought some answers, but perhaps it brought more questions than expected. What are we second guessing? What are we confused about? What have we grown more certain about? It is a perfect evening to drift off into the hinterlands to contemplate all of these things.


Saturday, December 28, 2024

Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Moon conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius


So much is being reconfigured these days, it is difficult to give our full attention to any one thing, but if we can try our best to home in on that which is motivating and inspiring a more enriching future for us, then we can make more progress than not. What are we still mulling over that we discreetly know holds us back? What kind of stagnation is clogging the fascia of our spirits? How can we willingly stimulate our spirit’s joints to transmute that stagnation so that our synapses are firing more synchronistically? Is someone close to us impeding our imaginative and creative pursuits? If we believe this is so, let’s stand up for ourselves and begin to strategize how we are going to make the changes necessary to be able to thrive as much as possible.


We must be careful not to overstep our boundaries today, however. Making premature declarations without proper meditation and contemplation is reckless and can hurt other people’s feelings much more than we realize. It is better to search far out and deep within for more clarity on these matters. A plethora of information may seem to flood in from somewhere today, perhaps during an evening conversation or social gathering. Maybe we will end up scurrying down a rabbit hole that shows us our circumstances from a more lucid and enlightened perspective. Whatever the case and wherever we go, we are likely going to be blessed with a rather inspiring and expansive evening of hope and enjoyment. A much needed reprieve from another quite tumultuous week.


These are some extremely dynamic and relatively convulsive times. We are at once celebrating the December Solstice and the return of the Sun, perhaps Christmas, perhaps Hannukah, and perhaps Kwanzaa. There is so much to be thankful for, yet so much to be apprehensive about. It is no surprise that so many of us are courageously braving these times of overwhelm and transmutation. Perhaps the single most important facet of this crazy diamond that shines within us is how we relate to other people. How do we lovingly and compassionately communicate with people whose ideologies are seemingly so vastly different than ours? Can we learn to love and comingle more often? Can we find similarities that encourage more unity than division? Can we learn to accept and cherish the diversity of the world, even in the midst of so much contrast? Let’s all sincerely try to bring as much love into this week as possible. We will undoubtedly need it!

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Thank you for your inquiry!

Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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