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December 29, 2024 – January 4, 2025

This New Year’s Week starts off with some necessary healing to what may have been a tough holiday week. That healing could be just tending to some minor bumps and bruises, if you will, or we might need to do some much deeper healing of wounds that were reopened and exacerbated by family incursions. Fortunately, this week offers some considerable respite from the previous week thanks to Moon’s journey through the more impersonal signs. And while the New Moon in Capricorn might pressure us to hunker back down into the daily grind again, there are shimmering beacons of inspiration and joy waiting for us later in the week that can levitate us up and out of those swamps and shackles.


Sunday, December 29, 2024

Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Aquarius

*Chiron stations direct in Aries*

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces


The expanse that we always hope is around the next corner may at least begin to take shape in our mind’s eye today. We might be imagining some amazing ideas that inspire us and nourish our hope and excitement. Following these ideas can lead us to some very compelling notions about our future and the direction we are heading. Though there is always important work to do, both inner and outer work, we can marry these two necessities with our inspiration and imagination, allowing for a much greater chance to manifest our greatest hopes and dreams.


How are we faring in our quest for healing, self-confidence, and flourishing mastery over our own domain? Do we feel a need to embrace some solitude for the sake of our well-being and ability to thrive as much as possible? Chiron’s long retrograde cycle is closing today and will slowly begin to move forward again, which should help us find greater meaning and purpose behind the lessons embedded in our trauma and suffering. The combination of these experiences, both then and now, have whispered divine insight into our sleepy ears over time and begged us to listen intently. There is a sense that we are beginning to notice a way out of the swampy mess our trauma has nearly drowned us in. This opportunity will become more noticeable and prevalent over the coming weeks and months as Chiron picks up speed and brings greater forward influence.


Monday, December 30, 2024

*New Moon at 9° Capricorn at 5:26pm EST*

Pluto in Aquarius sextile Moon’s North Node in Aries


Today’s New Moon in Capricorn assists Chiron’s renewed forward motion to align us with new ambitious directions and purposes. We are finding what we need to do may be different than what we expected, but we are grateful to recognize these invaluable changes to our gameplan. That which has passed on and been seemingly depleted of value to us ends up being the catalyst for the emergence of what we are required to do. We are undoubtedly being called upon to set a new course and develop an agenda to make new kinds of progress that we have previously been unaware is possible. The mountains are calling, and we must go!


If the road we have trodden upon has brought us to a crossroads, it is high time we choose wisely and for the sake of a more abundant and uplifting future. The world we are living in is going through deeply transmutational shifts, and the year ahead is sure to unveil some rather shocking and upsetting changes, both societally and psychologically. We should prepare for these changes with a well-fortified foundation to endure them upon. This means we are in need of all the inner strength and focused willpower we can manage. As is often the case with Capricorn, this is not a joke or a game. This is real life testing us with real challenges so that we can achieve real results and perpetual prosperity. Thriving is the drishti for this brand new lunation.


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus


The Chironic influences continue through today, likely ensuring we do not forget how much we have healed and grown after all these years. The deeply rooted pain and stress we have endured and experienced has taught us many things, including how to cope with, manage, and transform it to be a sacred teacher of wisdom. First and foremost, it teaches us what not to do, but it also helps us notice similar suffering in those we meet along the way. And that allows us to relate to and comfort them in their distress. It instills compassion and empathy, and it brings us headlong into what may be one of the most important purposes we have in this life: to help those in need.


Opening ourselves up to others through heart-centered dialogue almost always brings both of us into deeply meaningful conversation. It can help both of us drop our guards, if you will, and trust one another with our feelings and fears. We might stumble upon some frustration from allotting too much time being there for someone in need, especially after yesterday’s dominant focus on making our way up the mountains of our ambitions and aspirations. But if we can balance our time and energy between these two invaluable pursuits, we will begin to see brilliant blossoms emerging from our hearts and enlightened minds. The values we are newly developing are beginning to light our way into the void outstretched ahead of us. How well are we abiding by these values?


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius opposite Mars in Leo


When we think of metaphorically elevating certain parts of our lives, what does that mean to us? Is there someplace we would rather be on one level or another? The work necessary to get us into that next phase of elevation we seek requires a reconfigured understanding of maturity. It is quite apropos that Moon joins Pluto in Aquarius on the first day of this new year, emanating and exhibiting this elevation process to us. We see the needs, the wants, and the flaws that have shaped those needs and wants, so now it is up to us to design a new perspective, a new hope, and a new future for ourselves. All the tools we need to start this project are right in front of us, we just might need some help getting started. Is there someone we know who seems to inspire us to reach further toward what drives our restless heart?


The limitations we have felt encapsulated by and the distracting influences of other people and things we keep surrounding ourselves with are the most predominant obstacles on our path of fulfillment. Though it is very difficult to sever any ties with people who are very important to us, we can try to carve out some sort of independent time and space for what we need to focus on. Emotionally detaching from the drowning effects of relational drama requires a courageous sense of obligation to ourselves. However we can kindly convey our purpose and intention to strive for what brings us enormous joy and tranquility should be tactfully carried out when we feel sincerely prepared to follow through with our new directions and new perspectives. This may be a challenging year ahead, but there will be plenty of growth and awakenings that spur us on and guide us toward our divine hope.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Aquarius sextile Mercury in Sagittarius

*Venus ingresses Pisces*

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus


These new days of the new year are a relieving blessing after the relatively rough road we endured over the holidays. Not only are there less challenging aspects to challenging planets, there is a rather uplifting influence beaming in from on high through the Aquarius Moon and Venus’s ingress into Pisces. Aside from some stubborn adherence to some old values and behaviors, our lilies are blooming and emitting the most enchanting fragrance right now. Hopefully we are all feeling some version of this, but if we are not, perhaps we need to step away from the imprisoning chains of anything that is oppressing or suppressing us. What or who might be doing that the most in our lives?


The swimming, joyful otters have arrived as medicinal spirits for our wounded condition. We can revel in this significant benevolence while we are gifted with their blessing. Can we emulate their immaculate exuberance and love of life? The chains that we might feel are tying us down in any certain contexts must be broken and left behind if we are to find any means of playfulness and pleasantry in what we do and who we are with moving forward. We can sincerely have moments of bliss that help guide us towards greater unity and inclusion, more divine love welling up from within our souls, and more recognition that many of the petty things we grapple with on a daily basis do not actually need to be worried and tarried over so intensely anymore. How can we relieve ourselves of their burdens?


Friday, January 3, 2025

Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Moon conjunct Venus in Pisces


Though we are in the midst of embracing a resurgence of hope and joy in our lives, we are going to have to face the daunting tension of the opposing forces that first played out in the very beginning of November. The emotional outbursts, frustrating conflicts, and bouts of anger and even aggression that surrounded us back then are being revisited today. Who frustrates us? What frustrates us? What takes us to those emotional places and trips our wire, causing us to lose control? We always have lessons to learn and will always need to continue maturing emotionally throughout our lives. These triggers point directly at the root causes of what we need to be concerned with.


Do we just continue nonchalantly, hoping that these troubles do not arise again? Hoping that maybe they have just worked themselves out because the issues have not reared their decrepit faces out of the deep for a while? As was the case the last time Mars and Pluto opposed one another, we are granted a redeeming, gentle, and graceful aspect shortly after today’s harsh opposition. Perhaps this calming influence can quell whatever angst arose and can be utilized as a sacred time for reflecting upon the lessons of emotional maturity we need to accept. Humility always plays one of the most important roles in the evolution of our emotional stability. And the way into such humility usually requires a certain vulnerability we do not allow others to witness very often. May we all bow to the grace of forgiveness and compassion today.


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces


The virtue of humility we encountered yesterday can remind us that no one is immune to the hard-won struggles of everyday life. We have to work hard to have and do what we love. Some of us have to work hard at things we do not love, and this can be excruciatingly painful and depressing to endure, especially over an extended period of time. What is required of us so often is a level of acceptance and grace that can be so difficult to muster up, leaving us exhausted and with a bleak outlook on life itself. While such dire circumstances can deplete most of our gumption to think positively, we should at least recognize that the hard work can pay off in droves of pride and joy in our persistence, talents, and appreciation.


How can we welcome the pragmatic necessities of life and be more accepting and encouraging of their value to us? It is so easy to dread a lot of the responsibilities we shoulder in life, even the things we have to do to raise children or care for a loved one. While such dread is understandable, because we might much rather be doing something more exciting or fun, if we put daily effort into reframing our outlook on these otherwise heinous tasks, we will immediately begin to notice how much more joyful our lives become. We can get so attached to our emotional response to chores, tasks, and other responsibilities that we lose sight of the beauty of being alive, able, and capable of accomplishing the sacred work of mundane living. Breathing through all of it helps nudge us closer to that acceptance, gratitude, and even joy.


Tackling the onslaught of challenging days is no fun for anyone, even the most adept and emotionally mature individuals. But pulling through and emerging on the other side of those days can feel so rewarding and relieving, even to the point of joy and celebration that they are over with. This week can feel like that in many ways compared to last week. We are still in need of facing some important parts of our life that may have been procrastinated or neglected entirely, but we are learning how to accept the rigamarole through new eyes and a new attitude. This can renew and revitalize the condition of our mental health, especially if we embrace gratitude and count our blessings more often.

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Thank you for your inquiry!

Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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