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February 9-15, 2025

Rising up through the emotional debris to more clearly see the skies above takes fortitude and sagacity. The triggers that tend to keep us in the lower fields are in desperate need of being transcended. This process, however, requires a certain acumen and wisdom to pull off. Strange and weird events and messages that are pouring in from all around us can leave us somewhat confused and uncertain about many things. The message this week is to reignite our courage to seek what we do not understand, to strive harder for the manifestation of our most creative desires, and to commit to the expansion of our consciousness through a balanced and provocative enthusiasm for the mysteries of life.


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Mercury conjunct Sun in Aquarius (cazimi)

Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon conjunct Mars in Cancer

Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries


Racing thoughts, new ideas, and sparks of inspiration arrive to greet us this morning. These are folded into some of the emotional struggles we have had lately, which can erupt as bursts of desire to change the status quo, at least the status quo of our own lives and perspectives. Something might rub us the wrong way or trigger reactive emotional responses we can regret if we are not careful. Taking time to feel deeply into everything related to our sense of security and comfort can show us exactly where the changes and work needs to happen. Aligning with our own ethics, morals, and understanding of truth is the ultimate goal. All of this can help facilitate the emergence of more clarity and lucidity about ourselves and our path forward.


Monday, February 10, 2025

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Leo trine Venus in Aries


From the haze of confusing signals and insinuations comes aggravated attitudes and frustrated opinions. We want so badly to improve upon many things in our lives, but seem poised to lose control if we can’t figure it out. Depression can toil with our confidence and self-esteem today, leaving us exhausted and uncertain about what we are doing and why.


Weirdness continues to confound us and leave us shaking our heads, but it is all unconscious preparation for many years of strange days to come. We are here, we can handle what is happening, and our work is to understand this enough to forge through everything with as much focus and determination as possible. Some spicy, passionate, and creative inspiration can rain down upon us this evening if we let our guards down and be open to whatever that may be.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini

Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus


Though feisty and hungry for progress and change, we may feel held back by traditional norms and stubborn dogmatic resistance. The paradigm shifts are unfolding, but we see a wall of heightened tension blocking the flow. There are reasons for that wall of tension, but we can feel too frustrated to believe there are any good reasons for it. Our goal is to decode the riddle of resistance and get to the bottom of our own obstinate cowardice. Something fuels our desire for more of the same, but we know we need new horizons and directions to long for and seek. Perhaps this struggle has much more to teach us than we realized. Let’s analyze these contrasts in hopes of discovering how to eagerly proceed.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

*Full Moon at 24° Leo at 8:54am EST*

Moon in Leo opposite Mercury in Aquarius


Excitement may be buzzing through our bodies today as we immerse ourselves in the creative fires of our muses. New angles and perspectives have been knocking on all our doors for weeks now, but we may still struggle to see clearly what those angles are. It could be that we are too entrenched in where we have been, and gotten too comfortable with what we do, to even want to see past our sense of security. This Full Leo Moon wants us to put all our emotional turmoil to rest, kick off our shoes, try on our wings, and find out where it’s at. Everything we hope to uncover to create a bold and glorious future for ourselves is beckoning us to stop getting hung up on every inconsequential thing that gets hurtled at us. Let’s wake up and live before we no longer can!


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Moon in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini


Expansion and contraction are pulses that emanate from everywhere in the universe. They help us work through our struggles, they help us make decisions, and they show us the invaluable balance of polarities in life. We should be thankful for any contraction that tries to thwart our desire for expansion, even if we cannot understand the purpose. We can talk too much, desire too much knowledge, and especially think too far into situations. Especially the latter can skew our judgement and blind us from truth and reality. If we allow these excesses to contract enough to ground us back to pragmatism, we can better understand the value of this ebbing and flowing dance through life. How can we apply this to our current personal zeitgeist?


Friday, February 14, 2025

*Mercury ingresses Pisces*

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus


These transits are not so conducive to a romantic Valentine’s Day, but if we can get on board with some sexy house cleaning or organizational wizardry, maybe somebody will take notice and get a little excited about it. Somehow, we are trying to ground and materialize our visions, but we may instead just be wasting time trying to justify our delusions. It is high time we zero in on what we are not sure about and seek to make sense of it. Even if we cannot control what is uncontrollable, the more we understand the nature of that which is out of our control, the better prepared we can be to face that chaos with fortitude. Ultimately, we must make peace with the intangible and respect the spirit that flows through the life and death of us.


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Libra opposite Venus in Aries


The paradox polarity plays around every corner of life almost always confounds us, but these mysteries help evoke a sense of curiosity and a desire to continue seeking what we do not understand. “The need for mystery is greater than the need for answers.” (Ken Kesey) We are better off embodying our own soul and its wildest inclinations than we are pleasing others to suit a comfortability that is never guaranteed. The latter will inevitably, and indelibly, be the collapse of our individuation and unique identity. What have we left to learn from the relationships we are in? Have they encapsulated us into a strict mold that we cannot escape from? Or are they pliant and forgiving to our whims and questing we heed from spirit? It is a day to stare into the abyss of our identity and love what we find!


These beginning days of Pluto in Aquarius have been nothing short of strange and mysterious, but we should expect nothing less from this 18-year transit. The goal is to grow more and more comfortable with the weird anomalies unfolding. We are working through our own strange anomalies, so the more we can relate to how weird the world gets, the more we can feel confident in our capacity to navigate through it. Continuing to seek the magic life holds in its outstretched hands for us will guarantee a zestful life of evocative adventures, exciting connections, and joyful relationships.

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Contact Geoff

Thank you for your inquiry!

Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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