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January 12-18, 2025

Deep emotional reflection dominates the early part of this week, and we can find ourselves a bit lost in those emotions and the memories attached to them. Traumatic events that have seemingly oppressed us over time can surface and challenge us to face them as fearlessly and hopefully as possible. As the week unfolds, we begin to see how we might need to humble ourselves in order to authentically elevate our journey for the better. This pours over into a stark recognition of the need to balance our desires to escape from the confines of a stressful life with the rewarding feelings of seeing the hard work through to completion. One is not more important than the other. It is the delicate balance of both that ensures a joyful and healthy life.


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Moon in Cancer opposite Mercury in Capricorn

Moon in Cancer trine Venus in Pisces

Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces


Today can feel like a quintessential Sunday. The Moon is in snuggly, comforting Cancer, and it makes a free-flowing trine to Venus in drifty, blissful Pisces. And while this most certainly provides a benevolent potential to our day, we have to take into consideration the opposing forces of our emotional neediness and conceivably rigid communication. These polar opposite forces can trigger volatile emotional responses if there is any uneasiness surrounding our relationships or personal insecurities. Fortunately, the Moon-Venus trine can help quell some of the brunt that might ensue from the volatile opposition between Moon and Mercury. But we should be aware of what is possible and put more effort into kindly communication.


Further compounding the potential for volatility is the Mars-Neptune trine, also in snuggly Cancer and blissful Pisces, respectively. While trines are often considered benevolent aspects, it is more accurate to describe them as open, releasing, and free-flowing. It is the first major aspect that occurs after the tension of a square, so it naturally provides a release of that tension. This might seem relieving, but it can also unleash all the pent up tension of the square because the alleviating angle provides the opportunity to do so. This means any suppressed anger or emotional inflammation can burst forth uncontrollably and go way too far, especially with this more uncontrollable out-of-bounds Mars. We must be careful with our words and actions today and find the healthiest ways to express any of these built up feelings of injustice or personal intrusions.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

*Full Moon at 23° Cancer at 5:26pm EST*

Moon conjunct Mars in Cancer (occultation)

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces


There is a huge conglomeration of influential celestial forces happening today, including an extremely out-of-bounds Full Moon in Cancer, which means it is rising and setting very far north of east and west, respectively. We will all likely be taking into serious consideration the frustrations, crossed boundaries, unwelcome surprises, and traumatic events that have consumed us on and off over the past month or more. How have these myriad events made us feel? What have they led us to believe about ourselves, our partners, our families, and our friends? Have we had thoughts of spilling all our feelings out like a dam bursting at its seams? Cancer Moons tend to conjure the heaviest emotional responses from deep within us. This can make it very difficult to see things clearly and rationally, so we need to be hyper aware of the distinction between our feelings and the clarity of our reality.


This Full Moon provides an incredibly potent opportunity to reflect upon how we feel about everything sweeping through our lives right now. We always seem to need to brush our feelings under the rug so we can get through the pragmatic needs of our day. Our work, our kids, our partners, and all our other responsibilities demand so much of our attention that there seems to be little time or space for addressing how we feel about anything. And while it will likely be even more difficult to address those feelings today because it is a Monday, we should do everything possible to retreat into a quiet space to contemplate how we feel about every facet of our lives we can think of. This is a culmination point of all our emotional experiences looking back at us and asking us how we feel and what we have learned.

**If you are outside tonight and it is clear, look up around 10:30-10:45pm EST, especially with a telescope or binoculars, to watch Moon occult Mars.**


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Venus in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini


Emerging from the heavy weight of our emotional experiences over the past few days, including a stormy Full Moon, we begin to be reminded of how we need to address our playfulness in ways that can transform our lives for the better. Such serious emotional work must be balanced by a release of that steam to cool our jets. This Leo Moon hopes we can find a way to dance out our internal turmoil. Do we know how to lay down our burdens and cut a rug for the sake of our sanity and happiness? Though we will probably have to contend with some dethroning our pride, as well as hidden matters that might feel like roadblocks to our happiness, hopefully we can muster the humility and fearlessness to face them head-on.


We have been in the thick of reconditioning our understanding of how things function and make sense since early October 2024, which has probably been showing us all the ways we have perhaps misconstrued or misunderstood others, ourselves, or the world around us. And our recent desires to escape into boundless spaces of bliss and pleasure, even feelings of giving up anything painful or difficult, are feeling agitated by these pragmatic needs to reconfigure our understanding of what is really going on. On one hand we want to let go of our troubles and feel the inspiring, ethereal magic that surrounds us, while on the other hand we are feeling immense pressure to recalibrate our perspective to more succinctly align with what is truly going on all around us.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries

*Sun in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer*

Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus


We might feel a fiery surge of motivation today to work with our trauma to overcome the oppressive hold it has had on us. That enthusiasm is incredibly worthy of embracing and harnessing to carry out such an endeavor, but it could expose experiences that were forgotten or suppressed, so it is advised to be mindful of encountering such things. That said, perhaps we can make headway coming to terms with certain painful memories that have gotten the better of us over the years by making more sense of how that happened.


Unfortunately, agitation is quite possibly queued up to disrupt a good portion of our day, especially if there are outstanding disagreements with anyone close to us. Behavioral patterns can get triggered very easily today, and making sense of them will likely not be in the cards. Emotional turbulence is bound to get the better of many of us, and it is probably not possible to foresee exactly what will cause any discord, especially with Moon’s simultaneous square to surprising Uranus. This is going to be a test of our emotional maturity and our ability to take the highest road possible throughout the entire day. Perhaps it is best to approach this day as a personal challenge to see how well we can navigate the raging fires that might crop up unexpectedly all around us at any given moment. May we all forge through as gracefully and kindly as possible!


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Moon ingresses Virgo


So seldom is there not a notable perfecting aspect in the heavens every day, but today is one of those days. And as I have said before on days like this, while it might seem like we have the day off from celestial influences, we really do not. Sun is nearly sextiling Neptune (tomorrow), Venus is nearly conjunct Saturn (Saturday), and Mars is still reeling from its opposition to Sun (yesterday). What we are facing today with this Virgo Moon is aligning our house with our evolving perspective and understanding of our reality. This is a time of refining our methodologies and life-management skills. It is a time of coming to terms with the boundaries, structures, and behaviors within our relationships. And it is a time to reinforce the new foundations that are being built beneath those relationships.


How far have we strayed from the true meaning of love and compassion? How much effort are we putting into relating to others? If we have been feeling lost or confused, what are we doing to foster greater clarity and sensibility so that we continue to thrive, stay healthy, and be available to help others? Working with a Virgo Moon requires humility and motivation to make things better in not just our own lives, but in the lives of those we love and care about. It is a perfect day to clean, organize, purge, plan, help, and fix anything and everything we feel inspired and motivated to. All of these point to a healthier outlook, feeling, and functionality for our future.


Friday, January 17, 2025

Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Virgo trine Mercury in Capricorn

Moon in Virgo opposite Venus in Pisces


If we have been trying to reconcile our escapist tendencies with our practical sensibilities, the latter might hopefully win the day today. This is not to say there is no value in drifting off into places of pleasure, but when we are faced with pressing issues that help uphold our capacity to function properly and efficiently, it is usually best to adhere to those issues and see them through to completion. Work trumps pleasure today, and any Capricorn or Virgo dominant person will likely rejoice to hear this. So, how can we get busy tending to what is in disarray in our lives? How do we overtly override the pleasure principle to see to it we accomplish the work that is required or being asked of us? Maybe we just need to imagine the rewarding feeling of lightening the heavy load upon our shoulders.


This dichotomy might creep up on us in the form of an argument if we are not paying close enough attention to the finer details involved in the work we must perform. If we are in a close relationship, one of us might end up working harder while the other slacks off and does not carry their weight enough. Any morsel of truth to that statement can invade our day in one form or another, so we would be better off picking up our messes ourselves and making sure what needs to be taken care of is not neglected, because neglect is the bad word of the day.


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

*Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces*


We may feel a bit conflicted today between elevating our refining process of hard work and exceptional organization, and our more nebulous desires to toss all those virtues out the window for the sake of exploring our more poetic and Dionysian nature. These could also be the underlying conflicts that crop up within our intimate relationships. The currents that flow beneath all we see and hear above are very difficult to discern, and even if we do manage to clearly make sense of those currents, it is nearly impossible to hold on to their whims and wiles.


It is an ancient dichotomy to unpack and understand, but balancing our need to escape the demands life imposes upon us with the hard work and determination to achieve, succeed, and triumph over our doubts and insecurities is a critical necessity for a healthy life. One is not more important than the other, but too much of one or the other eventually unfolds into some version of chaos or discontent. This is why it is imperative we recognize how well we balance such tendencies and behaviors in our life.


Last but far from least is today’s Venus-Saturn conjunction in Pisces. The nitty gritty details of our relationships, finances, and skills to pay the bills are on the table, but once we see them all sitting there, we might prefer to neglect these issues and run off into the sunset...together! But addressing what must be addressed is at hand, regardless of the fact these two planets are in tropical Pisces. What works? What does not work? What boundaries have been crossed? What financial concerns have been neglected? How sustainable is our lifestyle? What work are we not doing properly to ensure a healthy relationship in the future? Any topic of contention can crop up today in our relationships, and once we face these together and hopefully eek out some compromise and resolution, then we can lay it to rest and enjoy the rest of our evening escaping into some fun and pleasure.


While 2025 will certainly pack some heat for all of us, it is not without its moments of enlightening inspiration and hope. Though these two things may be difficult to sight or encounter this week, the work, recognitions, and understandings we are developing can lead us to them if we are adept enough to abide by these requirements. A malfunctioning life is riddled with imbalances, so if we can open our eyes wide enough to see where all the see-saws in our life are leaning too far one way or another, then we are bound to be that much more capable of doing something about them. May our emotional beginning to this week gradually lighten up and lift us into more inspiring motivation to refine and clean up the disarray that those emotions left behind.

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Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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