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January 19-25, 2025

Our voyage across the landscape of life is constantly speckled with interaction with others along the way. Some of us are more adept at such interaction than others, but we are all bound by the laws of relating. How do these interactions shape the course of our life? How intrinsic are certain people’s influence on the direction we take at any given moment? As we enter Aquarius season, we are reminded to cultivate more uplifting and enduring practices and behaviors in our lives that can inspire more fascination and excitement for what the world and universe have to offer. Let’s work together and allow each other the space to flourish and thrive in our own due time.


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Pisces

*Sun ingresses Aquarius*

Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini


Mercury’s tenure in Capricorn wants to accomplish so much more than it normally might, and its activation with Saturn and Venus today is focused on paying attention to our core values of efficient productivity. We can be feeling especially intent on sorting out how to best accomplish our tasks at hand and how to prioritize those tasks to align specifically with what is most important for us. Sometimes we procrastinate our responsibilities that contain challenging obstacles in favor of smaller chores that minimally satisfy our need to feel productive. But we might be sensing the weight of procrastinating those heavier and more valuable responsibilities, reminding us, however depressingly, that sometimes we have to dig our heels in to get where we should ideally be.


Sun’s ingress into Aquarius brings the annual month-long reminder to elevate our quality of life the best we can. It may be tough to focus on what we can do to make things better, but that effort will manifest results if we are conscious enough of what we focus on elevating. Easy-going Moon in Libra is delightfully aspecting Jupiter’s retrograde reflections upon our breadth of knowledge. Do we know everything we purport to know? Are we in a position that demands a level of expertise that we authentically have? Telling others what they want to hear instead of the truth can turn around and bite us when we least expect it, and this solemn reminder of Libra’s acquiescing tendencies can seep out if we are not mindful of our authenticity, truth, and humility. Working together with those we love in hopes of greater forward progress and expansion is an ideal worthy of sculpting into our day.


Monday, January 20, 2025

Moon in Libra square Mercury in Capricorn

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Moon in Libra square Mars in Cancer


The consenting Libra Moon’s tense aspects to Mercury, Chiron, and Mars might have some tough love to instill upon us. While we may at first feel nonchalant and relaxed today, there are blatant underlying tones of aggravation and frustration oozing out of our unconsciousness into our awareness. We may not understand the reasons behind those tones, but suffice it to say that something is unresolved and in need of our desperate attention. It is possible we have neglected much of the hard work necessary to be that much further along our path of achievement and mastery. Maybe we told others one thing but unconsciously meant something else. Maybe we need to learn the sincere meaning of working with others much more authentically. Whatever the case, our work ethic is likely being called into question, perhaps not by someone else, but we are certainly waking up to something along these lines deep within.


What is aggravating us about others? What is aggravating others about us? The starkness of these questions lies at the heart of today’s Moon-Mars square. Were there specific issues that seemed to batter our emotions and even our personal identity around back around the 13th of January when these two were conjunct in Capricorn? Was there manipulation involved in trying to teach or learn lessons that were hard to accept and swallow? Libra is the first sign of accepting and learning how to work with others, so we naturally might throw a fib or two around to help better position ourselves within those dynamics. But we sooner or later learn that is not the ideal approach to relating authentically and honestly with others. What is slapping us in the face and trying to land on the runway of our awakening?


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius


We have slowly been working through the monthly process of learning how to better operate with others in our lives. Our capacity to yield and be vulnerable within our relationships for the sake of deeper connection and greater growth is taking the stage. And all the untapped potential inherent in those relationships, both for the sake of each other and the connection itself, is hinging on the willingness of both to seek greater elevation and inspiration to be moved brightly toward something better and more uplifting. The stages through which we morph are often intangible and unexplainable, yet we rise ever so slowly out of the murky bogs of our past into the passable pastures of our future through an ever-expanding awareness of the present.


So often I write of transformation, expansion, elevation, and growth, which are perhaps redundant and cliché words of hopeful, self-help mumbo jumbo. But we so often do not see the forest for the trees, and if we were to zoom way out into the cirrus clouds to see our voyage through the years, through the relationships, and through our fun and difficult times, we could much more lucidly recognize where, how, and why we made the changes we have made over time. This process proves the value of putting effort into seeing our life through new wide-angle lenses so we can see what might be best for us in the long run. Maybe we can begin to discover a new way to see our lives a little bit more through these types of lenses.


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces


The deeper and more hidden places that are lurking beneath the surface of our everyday lives sometimes reveal themselves or are exposed by others, either inadvertently or on purpose. This can happen when a casual conversation veers into more emotionally sensitive terrain or if something suddenly triggers a memory of an experience we suppressed long ago. The manipulative tendencies of today’s sole aspect can manifest as reminders to reinstate certain boundaries we have been neglecting to uphold. Has someone been prying too deeply into our sensitive past? Are we trying to dig dirt out of someone else’s sensitive past? The boundary lines may be indistinct these days for a lot of things, but all the more reason to be sure they are kept known and drawn.


Furthermore, it is during Scorpio Moons that we often discover more ways to stand firmly in our own power and feel strong and proud of ourselves. Yes, manipulation can thwart that inner security, but when we pay close enough attention to offhand remarks, subtle gestures of mocking or discrimination, and anything that threatens to knock us down from our personal tower of power, we begin to see the ways in which others unconsciously (or consciously) seek to strip us of our power for their own insubstantial gains and foolish pride. This is a wonderful aspect to imbibe in our pride for being the greatest version of ourselves that we can be at this juncture in our lives.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Moon in Scorpio trine Venus in Pisces

Moon in Scorpio sextile Mercury in Capricorn

Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer

Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer

Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces


Today’s aspects are substantial and unique. What is called a Mystic Rectangle is formed by Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Uranus, and this provides us all with a uniquely personal mission to follow. The challenge is to notice and understand what that mission may be for each of us. There are emotions, secrets, motives, and perhaps strange values involved in this mission, but exactly what it may be is difficult to determine in general. Needless to say that something is trying to be grounded and actualized from an otherwise emotional and even manipulative area of our lives. Maybe we are trying to make sense out of a checkered past of manipulative behavior. Maybe we are in need of retreating into more solitude in order to bring to fruition something we have been wanting to materialize for a very long time.


The plethora of aspects surrounding us from on high speak of power struggles, emotional turbulence, rebirthing, reflecting upon false starts, and the general emphasis on Mission Possible! Mercury in Capricorn plays a potent role in today’s saga by asking us to organize a new path out of the revelations we discover someplace in our waking hours. There are so many trails and forks we have been down and run into in our lives, sometimes leaving us confused about what should happen next. But hopefully we can squeeze out some more clarity and determination to follow through with whatever mission we are stumbling upon. And if we do not quite notice or make sense out of anything that happens today, perhaps putting forth that effort mentioned yesterday to see our life from a much wider angle and from high up in the sky will help unmask the face of our future for us. Most importantly, we must be hyper vigilant with a high dose of lucidity today if we are going to notice the magic in the mysticism surrounding us.


Friday, January 24, 2025

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini


The elevation of the summit of our hopes and dreams may not quite be known, but if we peer through a powerful enough telescope to see that far up and away, we could conceivably glimpse part of what that looks like. Through inspired seeking and endless fascination with life, we come to learn more and more as each day goes by. And all we learn helps steer our course toward those hopes and dreams we hopefully allow to shapeshift and transform into new and more exciting peaks. While these opportunities to seek and discover more about life await us at any given moment on any day, it is on days like today that such inspiration can fall out of the sky and into our hearts.


Moon and Jupiter are in mutual reception (each other’s signs) and opposing one another, which magnificently amplifies our imagination and ingenuity to formulate new possibilities and opportunities to pursue. As we get older, many of us lose sight of the exciting dreams and aspirations we had when we were younger, usually scoffing at them as childish or foolish. But what would our younger selves say to us if they could speak frankly? Where did we shut doors? Where did we go left instead of right? Why do we so often feel defeated and incapable of reopening those marvelous boxes of magical wonder we built when we were young? It is a day to dream and dream big! We CAN end up summiting the peaks of dreams we once told ourselves, or were told, were unattainable. It is a day to believe in what we want out of life!


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius square Venus in Pisces

Mars in Cancer trine Venus in Pisces


As we know, dreaming big requires at least a bare minimum of reality checks, and today will likely remind us of that truth, as disheartening as it is. But this is not to say those dreams are in any way impossible or unattainable. We just have to ground ourselves with the facts those dreams must abide by. Are they for the betterment of all involved? Are they reachable through valid and trustworthy means? Can we honor the boundaries and universal laws that dictate not just the realization of those dreams, but also the sustainability of them?


Speaking of these dreams we are so hoping we can hang on to, no matter how long they take to manifest, we should be paying close attention to how well these visions of our future align with the good work we do. Do those dreams dovetail with our efforts to master our craft? How intertwined are these with one another? Can we expect anything greater than how adept we hope to be at what we love to do? Maybe the journey to the summit of our dreams is riddled with challenges that subtly and inadvertently lead the way. Have we considered how enmeshed our work is in our ascent? And what exactly are we expecting to find at the summit?


Reaching too high or too far might knock our relationships off balance a little, but eventually those reaches may get us closer to where we should all be. Is someone rolling their eyes at our dreams? Is one of us further along in our ascent to glory? Do we feel held back by a loved one and find it difficult to muster the selflessness to turn back and help them back up and on their way? These may be incredibly valuable questions to ask ourselves while we deeply process the state of our intimate affairs. Perhaps the polarities that seem to encapsulate life as we know it can feel some copacetic harmony and emotional bliss today. Let’s swim in the swells of our love and tranquility!


This can be a magical week of opportunity and a window of time to discover a mission we may have not anticipated showing up on our doorstep. We are always learning how to work with others while sorting out our own karma and dharma, and while this is not new, every turn of the Earth and every cycle of every cycle teaches us how to navigate these paths in new and exciting ways. Our goal this week is to not get too hung up on the deep unreal, but instead to forge forward with a keen eye toward expanding our capacity to receive inspiration and excitement for all the days and wonders that lie ahead of us.

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Thank you for your inquiry!

Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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