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January 26 – February 2, 2025

There are exciting and sacred shifts available to us this week that have not been shaped this way before. We are on the verge of emergent personal paradigms that can invigorate us with so much more joy and exhilaration than we have been living with. The key is in our awareness and understanding of what we are sincerely happy with or not happy with in our lives. Making even minor adjustments in these areas of our life can reshape our daily routines and set us on a new course toward much more excitement, happiness, and tranquility. Later in the week, we are recognizing how our spiritual philosophies affect the foundations upon which we live our lives.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus


Sparked by inspiration, we may find some worthy conversation inside otherwise ordinary circumstances today. There might seem to be valuable insight sleeping within the more obscure and mysterious recesses of our imaginations. If we are prone to shunning such metaphoric and mythological areas of thought, we can find importance here, but if we are prone to living in these areas of our minds, we may be challenged by calls for pragmatism and rationales. Confusion may get in the way of clarity, but at least we are venturing into less familiar places to see what we might find.


If our senses have been stimulated by less typical and tangible things lately, we might find some value in where those sensations have led us. Are we paying closer attention to our intuition and deeper feelings? Are we aware of how sensitive we are to the collective consciousness? Have we been feeling the vibes encircling us and trying to make sense of them? Our sensual natures are swimming in the swells of elation and directionless abandon, but we might be paying the price for such careless frivolity. How can we ground these untethered ventures into our daily lives? Yielding to a more spiritual practice of simple lucidity and awareness is calling out to us.


Monday, January 27, 2025

Mercury in Capricorn sextile Moon’s North Node in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

*Mercury ingresses Aquarius*

Moon in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer


What the future holds is ever uncertain, but when we apply practical actions to our waking life, we have more control over certain outcomes. This is quite simply the pragmatic approach to achievement and progress, and an approach we should be employing throughout our day. It might feel as though so many signs are pointing us where we need to go or where we need to focus our energy, and while it might seem easy enough to heed those signs and follow the callings, we may get hung up on unresolved challenges and limitations we forgot were lingering in our periphery.


These challenges and limitations are likely related to how frequently our traumatic responses, and the ensuing emotional turbulence that follows, cloud the lucid blue skies of our minds and hinder everything from our focus to our objectivity to our capacity to follow the signs leading us up the mountain to the summits of our hopes and dreams. Perhaps with some grit, willpower, and resolve we can forge through the muddy waters of our trauma and emotions to make some noticeable and satisfying progress. Without a doubt we are moving further into Aquarius season today, so our sights are on newer, better, and more enlightening methods, ventures, and ideals. As long as we hold true to our hearts, we are bound to make exciting new discoveries in the weeks ahead!


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Moon in Capricorn sextile Venus in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon conjunct Mercury in Aquarius

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius


We are trying to marry the seeming polarity between hard work and blissful, spiritual drifting today. We understand the importance of putting in our time with the work we are diligently trying to accomplish, but there is a calling that keeps whispering to us from somewhere unknown. It may simply be that we struggle to make a lot of headway in our work life due to temptations to let go of those constricting bondages to escape to more loving pleasures and enjoyable activities. But maybe we are coming to the conclusion that we are not in love with the work we are doing and need to find an occupation that speaks to our heart and soul so much more than what we are doing now.


This kind of transformation can be spontaneous and full of gusto for something better in our lives. These cards are in the stars today, especially leading up to tomorrow’s New Moon in Aquarius. What is not bringing us joy and excitement anymore must be thoroughly scrutinized for its merit as a valuable part of our life. All things must pass, and perhaps we are feeling the culminating agitation that comes before the ultimate release and renewal. Is there something we are obligingly attached to that we dread facing each and every time we have to? If this is our job, then maybe we should consider brainstorming new ideas for an occupation that makes us look forward to each day. If not now, when?


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

*New Moon at 9° Aquarius at 7:36am EDT*

Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries


The sentiment from yesterday powerfully carries over into today, paving the way for what might be a critical shift in our daily pursuit of happiness and contentment. How can we progressively experience more joy and satisfaction than we have been lately? The needle on our compass is fixated on a new direction, and if we do not allow ourselves at least the slightest bit of time and space to explore what that direction looks like, we are undoubtedly going to find ourselves stuck in the same rutty muck we have been encapsulated by for a long time.


Breaking free and striking another match is scary, daunting, and requires a substantial amount of bravery, faith, and vulnerability to carry out, but it is possible for each and every one of us to do so. There are certain times that certain opportunities present themselves for certain reasons, and we should be open to heeding those callings and omens that present themselves during these times. It beckons simple questions we can ask ourselves, like naming three things that we feel would bring us more joy and serenity. They can be habits, hobbies, educational pursuits, projects, travel, relationships, health pursuits, or spiritual practices.


Most importantly, we have to remember the value of purpose and pleasure. What is our purpose, and how much pleasure do we feel when we actively pursue that purpose? Maybe we are uncertain of our purpose. Maybe we thought our purpose was something we have been pursuing for many years, but now we are feeling less and less satisfied and excited about that pursuit. Whatever the case, the more we consciously design what our future looks like and position ourselves to be able to construct that design, the more certain we are to feel a level of tranquility we have not felt before.


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

*Uranus stations direct at 23° Taurus*

Sun in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini


These are rather emotionally detached days we have had, and today is no exception. It is as though we have put down the burden of our emotional bodies in order to tune in to brand new frequencies that are inescapable. It is like hearing the same song 1000 times but finally understanding it differently than we ever have before. We are ready now. The script is changing, the wind has shifted, and the blue skies are more saturated through these new lenses we just acquired. Is something making more sense to us while something else is making less sense?


Our road is our own, and if we are in a relationship that makes it challenging to adjust our heading, we should maybe consider a window of solitude and contemplation for ourselves in order to recalibrate our electromagnetic schematics. The acquiescing tendencies of last week’s Libra Moon might resurface in this process, but hopefully we can address such things with understanding and forgiveness. This can help eliminate any added stress that may arise from these invaluable adjustments made to our path.


Uranus stationing is amplifying paradigm shifts everywhere. There are large-scale mundane paradigms and then there are local and personal paradigms. Concerning ourselves right now with the latter, we have to thoroughly consider what paradigm we are emerging from in order to design the one we are entering. These changes may be minimal, but they should be focused on emergent values concerning our bodies, our sensuality, our resources, and our capacity for self-sufficiency. Making money is not the sole solution to joy. Making and feeling love and experiencing pleasure through healthy, natural, and valuable means is a sure path to a tranquil and fulfilling lifestyle.


Friday, January 31, 2025

Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces


Have we escaped too far out into the hinterlands? Do we need to be reminded that our bills are due, our car needs fixed, and our house needs heated? Sustaining an elevated awareness about our present moments is a lot of work at first and very exhausting, but the more we whittle away the inconsequential distractions and attachments the less exhausting those efforts will be. Stark contrasts between our informational life and our daydreaming life are likely showing up for most of today. It is a primitive dichotomy that has shaped our evolution. How can we balance these on a daily basis so we do not end up too far down one rabbit hole or the other?


It has been so hard to make out the definition of the structural foundations upon which we function and manage our lives lately. The lines are blurred, the boundaries get washed away by waves upon the beach, and those castles have seemed to fall in the sea a lot lately. But this nebulous period of time with Saturn in Pisces has been asking us to consider the importance of our spiritual foundations, our vibrational frequencies, and our personal philosophies. What do these concepts and considerations mean to us personally? What unique and original perspectives and wisdom do we have faith in? What spiritual foundations, frequencies, and philosophies resonate with us most?


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Moon in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer

Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

*Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces*

Moon conjunct Neptune, Venus, and Moon’s North Node in Pisces

Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius


After the New Moon in Aquarius brought us emergent personal paradigms to embrace, and the Pisces Moon reminds us to spiritualize those paradigms with foundations, frequencies, and philosophies to stand on, we are now preparing to act upon all of these rather conceptual processes with the tenacity and fortitude necessary to reshape our daily lives. The honor is given to us to carry out what will more gracefully align our truths and philosophies with those of the universe and, quite frankly, our natal astrology, which is the locations of the planets when we were born.


Emotional sensitivities can run high today, especially if we are at odds with a partner in some way that disrupts the flow that we have little control over. These clashes can hold valuable lessons and elements of wisdom, however, so we should pay close attention to what is being said and our surroundings if such events transpire. But once we make it through those gauntlets—and we will—we begin to notice subtle inner glimpses of elation and euphoria. This can be a very vulnerable place, though, so we have to mind our space with care and protection. Others can quickly strip away those deeply emotional awakenings we have with ourselves. Any opportunity we have to walk in nature, swim in a lake or sea, or simply breathe fresh air in the sunshine can help unfold these sacred moments we can have with ourselves today. May we humbly rise to these occasions with dignity and hope!


The shifts and awakenings afforded us this week can reshape our lifestyle and recalibrate our heading in life. While these headings we have had throughout our lives have shifted often, we usually are not quite sure of what is going on until it all pans out. This week’s New Moon in Aquarius offers an opportunity to tap into parts of ourselves that have become more enlightened to what we want and what we do not want, whether in our careers or in our personal lives at home. Additionally, the spiritual philosophies that uphold our reasoning for so much of what we do must be clearly laid bare and understood if we are to live a more fulfilling life.

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Thank you for your inquiry!

Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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