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October 6-12, 2024

From the dark and dim corridors of our souls to the bright and sunny roads that lie outstretched ahead of us, we are voyaging through patterns of old conditioning and painful reminders into more invigorating and exciting possibilities this week. Our beliefs may be reconsidered, our work ethic revitalized, and our friendships rekindled, instilling a broader sense of hope into our spirits. What we cannot see or understand should not be mistaken for what is not true or possible. If we continue to repeat patterns of denial and regret, we only prolong impossibility. If we have the desire and eyes to see the brilliance of opportunities that await us around one corner or another, we can take full advantage of them and, in due time, create a better life for ourselves and those we love.


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Mercury in Libra square Mars in Cancer

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn


The words we choose are not always the most tactful, oftentimes being tainted by our emotions. And if we are in any way triggered or riled up about something, tact can completely disappear from the scene. We must be careful how we speak to people today. This is not just our partners or children or loved ones, it is everyone. We can get mad while driving. We can get overwhelmed and frustrated while shopping. We might stumble on the sidewalk. Though waning from the early morning hours, the tension between our emotions and our urge to communicate our feelings is present today. Our sense of frustration from something not being fair can also dominate our feelings. How can we make it right?


Tact is the word of the day, because if we do everything we can to abide by it we will avoid regrettable situations. Sometimes it is best to breathe through our anger instead of releasing it unhinged toward others. Eventually the fires die down and smolder us back to a simmer, where we can tactfully utilize our judgement to speak kindly and productively. There are, after all, a lot of deeply emotional and eye-opening subjects to discuss today. Hopefully we can uncover some valuable clarity about these matters of the soul, and hopefully it brings a sense of renewal and revitalization to our hearts and those around us.


Monday, October 7, 2024

Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces


Are we lost in the fray of not knowing what to believe or whether our path is what our soul actually deeply desires? Some variety of extremes and/or uncertainty can bubble up out of the deep Scorpio waters we just emerged from. Are we second guessing our career? Or maybe we are less sure about our spiritual beliefs, practices, or purpose. Whatever the case, we can learn a lot from these moments of tension and speculation. They allow us to pause and reflect upon our decisions. They give us the liberty to change our minds, redirect our energies, and reshape our destiny. Making time to give anything we are unsure about a lot more thought and reconsideration is so worth it today. Hopefully we can squeeze in some quiet and solitude to do just that.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Venus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer

Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini

Mercury in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Mercury in Libra


Much of what boiled over on Sunday can come back up today with a little less angst and a little more understanding. Hope and light are pouring into the dark corridors of our sorrows ready to show us the way through any grief or emotional struggles we are facing. The sometimes conflicting polarities within us are difficult to reconcile, usually swaying us to focus on one end or the other, but sitting with the full spectrum of these conflicts can show us that we must respect and appreciate all aspects of the myriad lessons contained within them. Breaking away from the frustrations that chain us to our expectations and conditioning takes courage, will power, and forgiveness, which are hard to come by all at once, but we can keep trying.


The wounds we carry with us are hard to heal and often left by the side of the road to pick up another time. But when we pick up those wounds unconsciously, we run the risk of losing control of our emotions and recreating the trauma in new contexts, sometimes directed at others. So, our conversations need to consciously engage more in addressing those wounds and seeking independent means to progress our individuating process in ways that do not hurt anyone’s feelings or create opposing forces upon us. This is a good day to talk to a partner about how we envision our future desires and goals being met and all we might need to do to bring them to pass. Maybe a long evening talk is in order.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

*Jupiter stations retrograde at 21° Gemini*

Moon in Capricorn square its nodes


Just as Sunday’s influences poured into Tuesday, Monday’s influences can pour into today. There is a contrast between our beliefs and our convictions, even if we would like to believe our beliefs are truth. These contrasts can expose cracks in our convictions and lead us to revisit our beliefs, which is not a terrible thing whatsoever. The more we continue to wonder and find curiosity in life, the more we learn and understand about the people, places, flora, and fauna of the world we live in. What once seemed feasible is no longer. What once seemed ludicrous is no longer. There can be a heck of a lot to talk about today!


These wavering thought processes can loom over us today, drifting us out to sea with them, so we need to be careful not to drift too far from the shore. It is the shoreline that is tangible and reassuring in times such as these. We can rely on the pragmatic usefulness and resourcefulness of terra firma, especially as Moon leads us into Capricorn to square its nodes. Oppositions may appear all around us today, but our inquisitive discernment is what we should really be focusing on.  


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries


The heaviness of our responsibilities and wherewithal hover over us today like gargoyle sentinels, piercingly peering down upon our every move. Are our intentions righteous and virtuous? Do we cross any ethical boundaries in our lives? Can we balance work and respite well? Are we too lazy? Whipping ourselves into shape along all these lines is hard work, but it is what we are facing today. It would be a good idea to organize any physical messes we have been neglecting.


Bearing that in mind, some days that may astrologically call for productivity and lots of hard work overwhelm us instead, leading us to retreat from that work to ponder the substance of our capacity. Are we prepared and willing to work as hard as is expected of us? Do we want the recognition we are gaining? Do we say yes more than we should? Do we say no more than we should? It is a good day to take a very hard look at our work ethic and how practical our aspirations are, so prioritizing our goals should be on the day’s agenda.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Moon in Capricorn square Mercury in Libra

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

*Pluto stations direct at 29° Capricorn*

Jupiter in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries


Though the tune of pragmatism may not be laden with harmonies, the dissonant tension that is interspersed brings us to places we may not have gone otherwise. In other words, it is worth embracing the challenges and sacrifices in life, knowing that what can come of them shows us sides to life worth seeing. So, hard talks, tough love, disagreeing, humility, and acceptance are all up for grabs today. Whatever experience unfolds, it may be difficult communicating our needs or opinions without unwarranted reactions.


Our dreams and realities, while often so contrasting, might seem to gel somehow today. We might realize that what we love and want for our future is attainable and practical. If we realize they are not, it is an excellent opportunity to fine tune the strings of that rare, glorious instrument so resonance once again reigns inside our coliseum. Such opportunities must be noticed if healthy progress on our road is to be gained. What is waiting for us to find it that will fortify our resolve to succeed on our terms with our hopes and dreams intact? New births come from old deaths, and something new is waiting to be born.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Moon in Aquarius


On the heels of a day that held so much to consider and reconsider, we are blessed with a day that inspires us to make our friendships and community more engaging and uplifting. It can be very difficult to focus on the value of our friendships and community when our careers, families, and daily responsibilities already overwhelm us regularly. What can we do to bring those values off the back burners and make the delicious stews we intended to make so long ago? Our friends need and deserve us as much as we need and deserve them, so reaching out to catch up with anyone we’ve lost touch with would be a wonderful way to uplift our spirits and theirs. If we all work together to stay in touch better and engage in meaningful uplifting conversations, we can all join in the celebration of enjoying our lives to the greatest potential. Let’s try coming together for the sake of everyone enjoying being together.


Once we establish a foundation beneath our feet that we love and respect, we can then build a life our dreams have envisioned. With so much physical, mental, and emotional work involved in the process, however, the struggle to establish that foundation is real. Because of this, how can we reframe how we feel about that hard work into something we desire? Neglecting ourselves more engaging and fulfilling relationships is a recipe for loneliness and depression, which only perpetuates our hopelessness for more engaging and fulfilling relationships. The conditioned escaping patterns are real, so finding any solitary time to think long and hard about those patterns can prove instrumental in breaking ourselves free of them to set a new course, trim our sails, and ride that tack all the way to a new world of happiness.

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Thank you for your inquiry!

Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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